Friday, December 12, 2008


EARNESTNESS is the devotion of all the faculties-It is the cause of patience;gives endurance;overcomes pain;strengthens weakness;braves dangers;sustains hope;makes light of difficulties, and lessens the sense of weariness in overcoming them.Christian N. Bovee
EGOTISM is the identifying of that power that sees with the power of seeing. Patanjali
ELEGANCE is something more than ease- more than a freedom from awkwardness and restrain.-It implies a decision,apolish, and a sparkling which is spirited, yet delicate. William Hazlitt
ENVY is akin to admiration, and it is the admiration that the rich and powerful excite which secures the perpetuation of aristocracies. Henry George
ERROR There are errors which no wise man will treat with rudeness while there is a probablilty taht they may be refraction of some great truth still below the horizon. S.T.Coleridge
EXAMPLE is school of mankind, they will learn at no other. Edmund Burke
EXPERIENCE is the comb, which nature gives to men when they are bald. Lord Snell

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