Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Monday, December 29, 2008

Another story

Nindi chacha ji rang up the other day and I rememvered another story of mine. He used to take me for swimming. One day I wouldn't come out of the pool. HE told me let play dum and told me to hold my nose and put my head under water. I never went to the pool again. I was teasing him sometime back that but for u i would have learnt swimming. He said what to do you refused to come out of it.
Another one harjit chacha ji would tell every time we met. Apparently they used to take me out so that they would get to drive the car. They must have banged it that day. It seems they bribed me with a lot of things so that I wouldn't tell papa. But the first thing I did on arriving home was tell papa. he said all that bribe didn't work.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Nita dig dig payee

Just remembered the story yesterday. They used to teach us classical dance in our school. must have been lkg or ukg, I think oce or twice when the teacher was absent they tried to fill in the gap by teaching us. The rythm went, ta thai, tat thai , tiga tig tig tai, but I came home repeated it and insisted it was neeta dig dig payee.


JUSTICE is the machine that when someone has given it a starting push, rolls on of itself. Galsworthy

KNOWLEDGE is like a deep well, fed by perennial springs, and your mind is the little bucket that you drop into it; you will get as much as you can assimilate. Lala Har Dayal

Mother And child

She has the right to be a guardian.
Minister for Women and Child Development Renuka Choudhry has the support of The and Tribune and all right-thinking people for her plan to make it obligatory to mention the names of both parents in all the certificates of a child.The issue cropped up over denial of passport to a teenage girl in Mumbai because she refused to mention the name of her biological father in passport application.The passport officer didnot accept her mother's name as a substitute for her father's name.Since her father had never communicated with her since the day she was born, she thought it justified to leave his name out. She was brought up by her mother with whom she lived even at the time she applied for a passport.It is a measure of patriarchal nature of our society taht the passport office told her she could mention the name of her foster father, but not her mother.
The passport office should have been satisfied with the mother's name.The problem would not have arisen if the girl's certificates mentioned the name of her mother also.In any case, the law has to change in the light of sweeping changes in society. With the divorce rate going up and living-in relationships becoming common in cities, children are the worst sufferers.Society has a responsibility to make their life easier by doing away with cumborsome procedures.Courts have passes decrees in divorce cases that mothers are the natural guardians. In a mojority of such cases , the custody of child is given to the mother.Yet, passport offices insist on the father's consent if a mother enjoying the guardianship of thechild applies for a passport on her behalf.
The supreme court had in the Gita Hariharan case ruled that the mother should be given equal rights as a natural guardian.It ruled against the argument that this was contrary to the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act on the ground that Parliament would not have passed the act in 1956, if it had transgressed the principles of equality of sexes contained in the Constitution, which came into force full 6 years earlier. It will be a furtherance of these progressive rulings if the minister succeeds in her attempts to make it obligatory mention the names of both parents in a child's certificate.

P.s. Don't I remember having a tough time filling up forms.
P.s.I just try to post editorials or articles related to the issue . This one is a Tribune edotorial.

Monday, December 22, 2008


HAPPINESS is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.Dr.HJ.Schachtel
HEALTH is not a condition of matter,but of mind;nor can the material senses bear reliable testimony on the subject of health. maru Baker Eddy
HOME is the rsort of love,of joy,of peace,and plenty,where supporting and supported, polished friends and dearest relatives mingle into bliss. Thomson
HONOUR is most capricious in her rewards-she feeds us with air, and often pulls doen our house to build our monument.Charles Caleb Colton
HOPE is the dream of a man who is wide awake. Anonymous
HUMOUR is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man's superiority to all that befalls him. Romain Gary
HYPOCRISY is the homage which vice pays to virtue. La Rochefoucauld



Tuesday, December 16, 2008


GAMBLING is a kind of tacit confession that those engaged theirin do, in general exceed the bounds of their respective fortunes;and therefore they cast lots to determine on whom the ruins shall at present fall , that the rest may be saved a little longer. Blackstone
GENIUS is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.Alexander Graham Bell
GLAMOUR is what makes a man ask for your telephone number.But it also makes a woman ask foe the name of your dressmaker.Llly Dache
GOSSIP is always a personal confession either of malice or imbecility.J.G.Holland

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just A Thought

When one keeps hearing the horror of Mumbai Attack, often a line comes --60 hrs of ordeal not knowing what will happen, suddenly my memory was jogged by 1984 riots. I was in Delhi then, Though we were lucky in the sense that very little happened in our area, some shops were looted in the market, I remember when the area next to us was attacked and we could hear gunshots and thought we were the next target. Luckily some people in that area were armed and repelled the crowds but I guess even we went throught the same emotions in our own country with no one to look upto except God. Shireen was small but sunny was sitting in a corner terrified. I still remeber the expression on his face.
Papa told the other day he met a sports person who is employed in police at a match. He had saved some players who were living in the stadium at that time for a training camp. seems the south indian basketball players hid him between them (they are tall) and brought him to the stadium after they met him at station(he had his service revolver with him as was returning from a training camp). And he fired at the crowds
and saved those players in the stadium. Time passes , memories fade.
But I hope public is able to bring about a major change in the ideology of people, govt.One shud never lose hope for a change for better.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


FAILURE is often God's own tool for carving some of finest outlines in the character of his children;and even in this life,bitter and crushing failures have often in them the germs of new and quite unimagined happiness. T.Hodgekin
FAITH is abird, that can see the light when it is dawn and starts singing in the dark. Rabindranath Tagore
FAME is the perfume of heroic deeds. Socrates
FREEDOM is one of the most precious gifts that the heavens have bestowed on men, with it treasures locked in the earth and hidden in the depths of sea are not compared. Don Quixote
FRIENDSHIP is constant in all other things, Save in the office and affairs of love. William Shakespeare

Friday, December 12, 2008


EARNESTNESS is the devotion of all the faculties-It is the cause of patience;gives endurance;overcomes pain;strengthens weakness;braves dangers;sustains hope;makes light of difficulties, and lessens the sense of weariness in overcoming them.Christian N. Bovee
EGOTISM is the identifying of that power that sees with the power of seeing. Patanjali
ELEGANCE is something more than ease- more than a freedom from awkwardness and restrain.-It implies a decision,apolish, and a sparkling which is spirited, yet delicate. William Hazlitt
ENVY is akin to admiration, and it is the admiration that the rich and powerful excite which secures the perpetuation of aristocracies. Henry George
ERROR There are errors which no wise man will treat with rudeness while there is a probablilty taht they may be refraction of some great truth still below the horizon. S.T.Coleridge
EXAMPLE is school of mankind, they will learn at no other. Edmund Burke
EXPERIENCE is the comb, which nature gives to men when they are bald. Lord Snell

Friday, December 5, 2008


DEATH ia only a beautiful adventure. Charles Frohman
DECENCY is the least of all laws, but yet it is the law which is most strictly observed.W.Rochefoucauld
DEFEAT is nothing but educatio,nothing but first step to something better. W.Phillips
DESPAIR is conclusion of fools. Benjamin Disraeli
DEVIL is no idle spirit, but a vagrant,runagate walker, that never rests in one placepThe motive, cause and main intention of his walking is to ruin man.T.Adams
DIALOGUE is just lyrics that don't rhyme.Nat 'KING' Cole
DIPLOMACY is to do and say nastiest things in nicest way. Isaac Goldberg
DISCRETION is the perfection of reason and a guide to us in all the duties of life -It is only found in men of sound sense and good understanding. Jean Dela Bruyer
DISGRACE is not in the punishment, but in the crime.Alfieri
DOUBT is the beginning , not end of wisdom. George Hess.
DUTY is the power that rises with us in the morning, and goes to rest with us at night. It is co-existence with the action of our intelligence.It is the shadow that cleaves to us, go where we will. Gladstone

Monday, December 1, 2008


A CELEBRITY is a person who works hard all his life to become well known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized. Fred Allen
CHARM is that extra quality that defies descreption. Alfred Lunt
CONSCIENCE is a great ledger book in which all our offences are written and registered, and which time reveals to sense and feeling of the offender. Henry Burton
COURTESY is like grace and beauty in the body, which charm at first sight, and lead on to further intimacy and friendship. Montaigue
COMMON SENSE is inspite of, not the result of education. Victor Hugo
COWARDICE is not synonymous with prudence-It often happens that the better part of descretion is valour.W.Hazlitt
CRITICISM is often a trade as a science;requiring more health than wit , more labour than capacity, more practive than genius. J.de La Bruyere


You wouldn't , she passed away shortly after we moved to Civil Lines. She came to look after us once while we were in civil lines when mum and dad were away. Dishes were always washed outside the kithen in millarganj. And we had a special place made outside the kithen , remember the tap in the corner foe when she would come. While she was there with us dishes were washed in that corner. Papa tells when no body was talking to raj manji she had specially sent clothes for the new born through him secretly. He always used to get these things to do that is why he is familiar with the rest of family outside Ludhiana since he was in Airforce and usd to travel.