Monday, December 29, 2008

Another story

Nindi chacha ji rang up the other day and I rememvered another story of mine. He used to take me for swimming. One day I wouldn't come out of the pool. HE told me let play dum and told me to hold my nose and put my head under water. I never went to the pool again. I was teasing him sometime back that but for u i would have learnt swimming. He said what to do you refused to come out of it.
Another one harjit chacha ji would tell every time we met. Apparently they used to take me out so that they would get to drive the car. They must have banged it that day. It seems they bribed me with a lot of things so that I wouldn't tell papa. But the first thing I did on arriving home was tell papa. he said all that bribe didn't work.

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